One of my favorite things about photography is the opportunity it provides to become more present with one's surroundings. It's allowed me the chance to take a closer look at my surroundings, and appreciate things that I may have never noticed otherwise.
Everything from observing something interesting, to framing the shot, to getting the focus juust right, is a part of a process that can be incredibly fun and rewarding, if not humbling.
Perhaps seeing some of these photos will inspire you to dive into your own environment and explore the beauty that surrounds you.
Welcome to my modern rendition of a Geocities site I made over a decade ago.
Only this time, rather than collecting and sharing my favorite photos from the web, I'm collecting and sharing some of the scenes I've captured, to the web.
I hope you enjoy sifting through these even half as much as I enjoyed compiling them :)
If you'd like me to take some photos for you, please don't hesitate to reach out!